Fauxropter is a podcast about refocused curiosity by John Dutton and Bobbie Gaucher.
Please send us comments and suggestions for words and terms to discuss on the show at fauxropter@gmail.com
Fauxropter E32: Party
From politics to dinner parties, Bobbie convinces John that multiple situations can easily turn into a party. But the real question is… is he a pooper?
Fauxropter will be on a hiatus for a bit, so thank you for listening and sharing your feedback!
Fauxropter E31: Adulting
Warning: This episode contains multiple rants about the ridiculous verb ADULTING and has plenty of extremely adult curse words.
If you or anyone you know has any positive uses of the word, please write to us at fauxropter@gmail.com
Fauxropter E30: Cognitive Dissonance
Is it possible to ignore cognitive dissonance? Bobbie seems to think so and insists on solving humanity’s problems in under 30 minutes! John isn’t so sure…
Please rate, review and subscribe. And let us know whether you suffer from cognitive dissonance by emailing us at fauxropter@gmail.com.
Fauxropter E29: Bag
This week’s episode delves into the word BAG. How did bags change the world and why can’t Bobbie ever remember to bring reusable ones to the store? We also take a lengthy but instructive digression to ask: What’s the deal with the pocketriarchy?
If you’re enjoying Fauxropter, please give us a rating in the App Store and tell your friends about the show. Thanks!
Fauxropter E28: Nature
This episode is 100% natural, organic and gluten free. Because everything is from nature, right? But what if being natural isn’t good? And what if men use “nature” as an excuse to be dicks? John and Bobbie have some answers.
For those of you who prefer your podcasts with a visual (of our logo) Fauxropter is also available on YouTube. And if you love the show, please rate, review and share with your friends!
Fauxropter E27: Year-End Review
An update on the first (half) year of Fauxropter. What we missed, what we changed our minds about, and a fun throwback to the era of DVD extras with a blooper compilation at the end of the show.
Thank you so much for listening in 2022, and please keep rating, reviewing and sending in your suggestions for more words and phrases to cover in 2023 to fauxropter@gmail.com.
Fauxropter E26: Snacks
The Fauxropter holiday special is on SNACKS. If you have one New Year’s resolution to follow, it should be Bobbie’s personal declaration of independence: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Snackiness.
Let us know what your fave snacks are, and also tell us what you think of the holiday remix of the Fauxropter theme (thanks, Ben!). Email us at fauxropter@gmail.com, and please rate and review wherever you get your podcasts :)
Fauxropter E25: Scared
One of us isn’t scared of anything and the other is scared of everything. Maybe it’s because one of us is female… Or maybe not! See what you think by listening to Fauxropter’s take on SCARED.
Don’t be scared to rate and review us on whichever podcast service you use. We really appreciate it. Even if a couple of people give us a 5-star rating, it helps other people discover Fauxropter. Thanks!
Fauxropter E24: Nod
Sir or sup? Unconscious? Men only? What’s a forelock? These questions and more are answered in today’s episode on the word NOD.
Nod along and tell us what you think at fauxropter@gmail.com
Fauxropter E23: Boss
Listener’s Choice! From being a boss, acting like a boss or just plain being bossy, John gets Bobbie all fired up over the term ‘girl boss’. There’s also some Scouse…
Please rate, review and subscribe. Like a boss.
Fauxropter E22: Shaming
Shaming proves to be a much larger discussion than expected. Included: slutshaming, bodyshaming, parentshaming and a shameover.
There’s also no shame in giving us a good rating on the podcasting service of your choice!
Fauxropter E21: Original
Listener’s Choice! Is being original all it’s cracked up to be? Bobbie and John explore originality and do their best to get to the bottom of who the real OG is.
If you’re enjoying Fauxropter, please give us a rating in the App Store and tell your friends about the show. Thanks!
Fauxropter E20: Timeline
In an alternate universe, there is a timeline where John asked Bobbie to unfocus instead of refocus curiosity. Follow us down the rabbit hole to find new heroes, badder villains and if peace ever had a chance.
Also, there’s a timeline where you immediately rate and review Fauxropter on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen!
Fauxropter E19: Care
Bobbie insists she doesn’t care while John shows how much he does. Let’s see how much sharing truly is caring.
Aaaaaand… if you care about Fauxropter, why not send someone a link to the show from your favourite platform?
Fauxropter E18: Reincarnation
Why in tarnation did we do reincarnation? This week’s episode struggles with philosophies, beliefs and franchise reboots.
If you’re enjoying listening to Fauxropter, one of the best ways to help the show is to spread the word. So please tell someone you know about us, whether in this life or the next. Thanks!
Fauxropter E17: Individualism
Two individuals walk into a bar to discuss an ism. They come out a collective. (Ba-dum tss!)
Send us your thoughts or word suggestions to fauxropter@gmail.com or add your suggestion to a nice review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!
Fauxropter E16: Piracy
Thought this episode was about illegal downloads? Nope. So… is it about people with wooden legs, eye patches and parrots on their shoulders? Arrrgh! And to get us in the mood, we recorded it in the hold of a genuine pirate ship.
If you enjoy Fauxropter, leave us a message or question when you rate and review on Apple Music or wherever you listen. Arrrgh!
Fauxropter E15: Begging
Please listen! Please, please, please! Pretty please!!! If you do, you’ll find out the link between online influencers and 1930s poverty.
Send us your thoughts and suggestions to fauxropter@gmail.com and if you like the show, tell people! Please?
Fauxropter E14: Loneliness
From terrorism to tightknit friend groups – what does loneliness have to do with it? If you’re feeling lonely right now, listen to Fauxropter episode 14 and we’ll keep you company for almost 20 minutes while we discuss what seems to be a growing affliction.
Please rate and review Fauxropter wherever you listen, and tell your friends and family about the show, which also helps steer clear of loneliness!
Fauxropter Special: Canada’s National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
John and Bobbie take some time to discuss the complexities of observing and celebrating Canada’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. A big shout out to @CBCUnreserved for inviting everyone to have an open conversation around a traumatic past.
We invite you to keep the conversation going with those around you or us at fauxropter@gmail.com.